allie townsend


What I do

I farm livestock, practice energy medicine, process poultry, and work in the restaurant industry.


I am a livestock farmer, and I work primarily with small ruminants, pigs and poultry. I am both deeply challenged by and drawn to farming because it asks me to be observant, get out of my own way, and be flexible in problem solving and creative in finding solutions. I am very interested in the relationship between myself and the animals I work with; particularly in the mutual support, deep appreciation and interdependent dynamic that exists between us. In an effort to explore this relationship and to care for the animals I work with, I practice SourcePoint Therapy® and The BodyTalk System: energy medicine modalities that use simple protocols to facilitate a stronger connection between the animal and the energetic field that contains the information of health; as well as between myself and the field.

Currently I manage a small livestock farm at Succurro, where we strive to engage with the whole process of an animals’ cycle: being present with the birth, caring and husbandry throughout the animals’ life, and processing at the end of the animals’ life. We produce pork, chicken, goat, eggs and honey.

I work at a local restaurant, EightyMain, where I get to experience the food that local farmers and I produce, turned into an art form and nourishment. It is very important for me to partake in this aspect of food production because it allows me to have a hand in every step of the process, while recognizing that I am only a part of the whole.


I process our chickens at Succurro, as well as a variety of poultry at Stone & Thistle Farm. I am available for consulting and support in the harvesting of poultry: chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese and guinea hens. Currently I cannot process other farms’ poultry at my processing facility, but stay tuned for future developments!

About me

I moved to East Meredith in January, 2019. Pretty quickly, I felt at home with the mountains, dirt roads, spaciousness, silence, and smells of the farm. It wasn’t like any place I knew from experience, but it felt deeply familiar.

I grew up in the suburbs of Connecticut where white picket fences surrounded manicured lawns and pristine houses. At some point in my childhood, I noticed a desire for a different environment; one where I could experience myself as a part of nature rather than separate from it. I thought that the Connecticut suburban lifestyle was the only way to live, so I followed this path until I found a lifestyle that was more in line with my honest nature; one where I could act, be and express in a way that I genuinely wanted to instead of in a way that I thought I should.

When I was 25 years old, I found support from SourcePoint Therapy® and The BodyTalk System which began my pursuit of peeling away the layers of all the ways I thought I should be. A few years later, I moved to Succurro, where I have been deepening my understanding of these practices, connecting with nature, all the while busy carving a truly honest path in life for myself which includes: living in a close-knit community in a rural town, waking up everyday with the sun, being in sync with the seasons, doing work that requires my hands, and last but not least, eating and sharing the food that I farm.

Get in touch

Current livestock project:
Where products are sold: Delhi Farmers' Market every Wednesday 10-2, Phoenicia Farmers' Market alternating Sundays 10-2, Franklin Farmers' Market alternating Sundays 10-2, & pick-up available at Succurro
Located in: East Meredith, NY

Contact info: [email protected] / (203) 536 8781
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